.....Eating an apple to get the most. It is to eat the peel. But there are many concerns about toxic residues on apple peel. The wax material that is coated with a slow spoilage, so when you eat an apple and rind.
We will bring Apple back into the container. About 2 tablespoons salt and enough water to flood the apple, leaving it 15-20 minutes before pouring water. Then Apple came out with clear water again, it's wax. Using a clean cloth towel to dry. I was eating an apple and peel it safely.
Apples, shrimp
- 1 of red apple
- 1 of Tomatoe
- 10 Shrimp
- 3 garlic cloves
- White sesame seeds 1 tsp
- Costa was a vegetable
- A little mint
- Butter 1 tsp
- Cayenne pepper 1 / 3 tbsp
- Lemon juice 2 tbsp
- Sesame oil 2 tsp
- Salt 1 / 2 tsp.
- Clean the shrimp. The shrimp are finely chopped.
- Put the butter into the pan on low heat to melt it into stir-fried with garlic smashed. Then I cooked the shrimp fry from the heat.
- Mixed with cayenne pepper, lemon juice, sesame oil, and salt together.
- Mixed with shrimp and stir to combine well.
- Sliced apples and tomatoes for a taste.
- Place the vegetables, the sort of shaped eyes. Spoon the sauce ingredients into a sprinkle of white sesame seeds and serve immediately.